Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Challenging Changes

Silence filled the conference room.  My co-workers nervously fidgeted in their seats.  I proceeded to doodle on my notepad as we waited for the meeting to begin.
“Guys, we’re moving,” said our boss.
Stunned looks rapidly appeared on everyone’s faces.  This was not the type of news they were wanting to hear.  I could tell that they were tuning out the rest of conversation.
Once the meeting concluded, the grumbling began.  They already had their minds made up that the move was not going to work.  While some of their concerns were valid points, many were simply complaints about being forced to change.
To me, moving was not a big deal.  At one of my former jobs, we had to move our desks at least once a month to “shake things up.”  I have become quite the pro and packing and unpacking my desk space.
This news really got me thinking about change.  Why are such a great number of people adverse to change?  Let me be the first to admit that I am not a fan of having to switch up my daily routine.  One reason is that I feel comfortable and confident in the way that  I currently run my processes.  I love coming in, sitting down and getting right to work.  Knowing exactly how my day will go is not boring, but comforting.
I also find that I tend to second guess myself frequently whenever the administration decides to run/process things differently.  Typically, we run into issues and for some reason, I tend to get blamed if things to not turn out as they had planned.  There also seems to be a greater chance for errors, leading to more belittling by the staff causing my self-esteem to plummet.
But, I have learned that change is not always the scary monster that it appears to be.  Case in point, at one of my previous jobs, I ended up making a wonderful new friend after being forced to move desks with another co-worker.  If I would not have moved, I never would have connected with this person or developed such a strong friendship with him/her.
My 91 year old grandmother recently moved into a nursing home.  At first, she was terrified.  She worried that no one would like her and she would be all alone.  But, she is surrounded by people her own age, offered daily activities to participate in and raves about how delicious the food is.  Grandma is now quite content with her new home.
Two years ago, my dad was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes.  He was completely devastated.  Giving up cookies and cakes seemed like a horrible punishment.  However, he has since gotten his numbers under control and is now healthier than ever due to his new life style.  And he has even developed a taste for some of the gluten free foods.
Perhaps the biggest change that I have ever undergone was getting married.  I have never had a fear of commitment, so marrying my best friend was very exciting.  But, once we returned from our honeymoon, the fairytale sparkle of our new marriage began to fade a bit.  Life began to throw more challenges at us.  Suddenly, that carefree life that we lived for a week in Disney World turned into worrying about money and bills.  We began to argue, which I foolishly thought people in love didn’t do.  But over time, we began to learn what was really worth fighting about and how to deal with life’s ups and downs.  Five years later, our love is stronger than ever…because we learned to accept change.
Some of the best moments of your life can come out of change.  We recently adopted a double dapple Dachshund who was born without eyes and is completely deaf.  This new addition truly shook things up in our house!  Learning how to live with a differently abled animal was very tough at first.  And Hope had to learn the layout of a completely new house, which she managed to do in a matter of days.  This amazing little dog has changed our lives for the better.  She has made us more compassionate and continues to inspire us every day with her determination and feisty spirit.
So in the end, it doesn't really matter who gets the window seat.  You can have the best view wherever you are if you choose to embrace change.