Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Witchy Wendy

The clock slowly ticked away.  In exactly five minutes, my favorite T.V. show would begin.  I set my phone on silent so that I would not be disturbed.  I was ready!  Or so I thought...

Wendy Williams has been my favorite T.V. show hostess for years.  I love how her show is always positive and upbeat.  There are no "baby daddies" or women throwing chairs at each other.  Just juicy gossip about the stars of Hollywood along with some fashion, make-up and cooking tips.

She had just queued up a picture of Mariah Carey with her new boyfriend, Brett Ratner.  Wendy went on to say that she did not trust Brett.  Why?  Her exact words:  "If you have never touched a drop [of alcohol] or drug in your life, something is wrong with you..."

I was stunned, then outraged.  I, at 30 years of age, have never drank alcohol (except for Communion wine) or done drugs.  And why does Wendy consider this a bad attribute?  She claims that "people need to have fun."

When I think of having fun, being wasted or high does not come to my mind.  I think of going on shopping trips, vacations, reading, playing with my fur babies, spending time with my husband, etc.  I want to make memories that I want to re-live, not ones that I am praying everyone on the Internet forgets about.

I have always lead a clean and healthy lifestyle.  Here are just a few of the numerous benefits of doing so:

1. I met and married the love of my life (who has also never drank or done drugs).
2. I graduated Suma Cum Laude from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.
3. I have adopted five wonderful dogs and two mischievous cats who fill my life with joy.
4. I have published a poetry book entitled "More Than Words."
5. I created a self-publishing company called Theuerkauf's Tails, LLC.

To me, that does not sound like a boring life.  And I did not need to be influenced by substances in order to achieve my dreams.

Let's take a look at what kind of "fun" you can experience if you are a frequent drinker/drug user:

1. Alcohol poisoning, in which you could die

2. Suffering from a hangover in which you spend an entire day throwing up and have a massive headache

3. Drug overdose, in which you could die
4. Drunk driving, in which you could die or kill/injure someone else
5. Getting arrested for DUI and spending the night in jail and possibly pay a hefty fine
6. Damaging your brain and other vital organs from frequent use

I was fortunate enough to have parents who instilled things called values and morals early on in my life.  By the time I reached high school, I knew exactly who I was and never pretended to be someone else.  And I still had a large group of friends who accepted and loved me for who I was (and still am).

Even people who simply dabble in drinking and drugs can suffer horrible consequences.  *Erica, a former co-worker, told me a harrowing story about her brother.  He had been drinking at a bar one evening and decided to walk home.  On his way, he was hit and killed by a drunk driver.  Even though walking home was the responsible thing to do, he ended up paying with his life.  Had he not gotten into the habit of frequenting bars, he may still be alive today.

My opinion of Wendy Williams has completely changed since viewing this episode.  I feel as if she is saying that people who have not drank or done drugs are not worthy of her time and attention and that she will always be suspicious of such people.  Why is she afraid of wholesome individuals?  Do we make her feel guilty about her alcohol and drug littered past?

Please understand that I am not saying that those of us who have not drank/done drugs are better than those that have.  What I am saying is that we should not be ridiculed or mistrusted because of our values and beliefs.  Further more, I am concerned that young girls may look up to Wendy as a role model. This is NOT the kind of wisdom that she should be imparting on today's youth.

I will no longer watch the clock in anticipation.  Instead, I will do something more important with my life, such as publishing my first children's book.  That's how I'm doin', Wendy! 

*name has been changed

1 comment:

  1. Need some new fangled thots and ideers? Look no firdr, brudda...

    Greetings, earthling! Can't stay long, done gotta git, Paw ...yet, if I'm a sower, we plant the Seed; if I'm an artist, we write the Word:

    I actually saw Seventh-Heaven when we died: you couldn't GET any moe curly, extravagantly-surplus-lush Upstairs when my beautifull, brilliant, bombastic, bawlsy girly passed-away at 17 (God calls U.S. home regardless of our maturity).

    Let's say the entire universe is located between thy thumN4finger, k? Forever is a romantic, X-ray-spex-Paradise for the length and breadth of eternity without end. CHOOSE. We cannot stay here: this is a test to see where we go to based on OUR decisions, up or down. And dats da fak, Jak.

    "Those who are wise will shine as brightly as the expanse of the Heavens, and those who have instructed many in uprightousness, as bright as stars for all eternity"
    -Daniel 12:3

    Here's what the prolific, exquisite GODy sed: 'the more you shall honor Me, the more I shall bless you'
    -the Infant Jesus of Prague.

    Go git'm, girl. You're incredible.
    See you Upstairs...
    I won't be joining'm in da nasty Abyss where Isis lies

