I was in high school, it seemed that all of the “for teen” movies that
came out dealt, to some degree, with the issue of virginity. In many
rom-coms, it was a whispered word that somehow meant you were “unloved”
or “unwanted.” I
never understood this concept.
was blessed enough to be raised by wonderful parents with outstanding
morals and high expectations for me. My blessings doubled when I was
confirmed as a full-fledged member of the same church in which my father
was confirmed in, my
parents were married in and I was baptized in. There, my morals and
beliefs were further strengthened. And I was never ashamed to be a
fact, I was quite proud. I love knowing that I truly saved myself for
my husband. And he saved himself for me as well. I believe that this
deepens that bond that we share. We meant every word that we said in
the church on our wedding
day. For better or for worse, my husband is the one (and the only one)
for me.
the virginal road the easiest one to take? Not necessarily. I had my
share of boyfriends that tried to push for us to “consummate” our
relationship. And it hurt every time I realized that our relationship
had boiled down to a physical
act. All the time that I had spent “being in love” with the person was
just a waiting game for him to see if he could “get some.” Many of the
girls that I knew in high school would have given in. I can remember
one girl in particularly that did in the back
of a pick-up truck. Wow, talk about romantic.
is not what I had envisioned for my first time. But, sadly, this is
how many of the girls lost their virginity. They swore that they were
going to marry their high school boyfriend. Can I tell you how many
actually did? One. That’s
right. One.
one of my boyfriends pushed for sex, I told them to drop it. If they
didn’t, it was curb time for them. I have always respected myself and
my body. I think that a lot of girls have lost that self- respect.
Many have unhealthy
body image issues due to what is shown in the media. And Miley Cyrus
is certainly no help in the “protect your gift” category.
portrays sex as something that you have to have to survive. MTV shows
that if you are a “man,” you are sleeping with
at least ten random women whose names you cannot even remember. Heaven
forbid you are a woman that wants to wait until marriage. You should
be scantily clad, giving it out like candy to anyone that is interested.
I never believed that my virginity was worth losing. It was worth
giving to the ONE man that I knew I would be with for the rest of my
life. And I will never understand the “sex like a man” concept. So,
you sleep around with
tons of different guys. Why? You are obviously trying to fill a void
from a deeper, unresolved issue.
“Don’t you want to have fun?” I heard
that line a lot. Isn’t that the same line that people use to try to
get you to use drugs and steal and all of those other illegal acts?
Waking up the next morning being filled with regret is not
my idea of “fun.” Having boys begin to spread rumors about you and
your “performance” does not sound like much fun either. But, these
girls never thought about that. Every day, boys were sharing their
pantie exploits during P.E., at lunch, etc. I was thrilled
to not be the subject of any of them.
Then, there were the girls that were
not so “lucky” and ended up getting pregnant. A few actually decided to
have the baby, a very brave choice while in high school. However, the
more “popular” choice was to have an abortion. These girls
thought nothing of going to the clinic several times a month! Do they
not realize that every time they have an abortion, they are greatly
reducing the likelihood that they will be able to have a baby when they
are actually ready? Having to make such a gut-wrenching
life decision would not be something I would label as “fun.”
here is something that I think about: Would you really want that many
people to have seen you naked? What if you bumped into one of the
people that you slept with in high school on the street? Wouldn’t you
feel extremely uncomfortable
knowing that he/she had seen your…everything? And how would you
introduce that person to your spouse? “Oh, this is Bob. We used to
sleep together back in the day. No big deal!”
my virginity until marriage is one of the best decisions that I have
ever made. When I met my husband, I didn’t have to worry about any
children from “baby daddies” or ex-lovers giving him a report on what
I’m like in the bedroom.
We never had to have that uncomfortable conversation about how many
people we had “been with,” like on the movie “Just Married.” And with
him being a virgin as well, we could focus on what was really important,
our love.
if you are a virgin, hold your head high! You are a person who
respects yourself and is not willing to compromise your morals.
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